After the changing of the Helwan governor, new guidelines were introduced to design the building in the old Pharaonic style. Dr.Wael proposed the first alternative in the same direction but with new design lines. The new governor was impressed by the Supreme Constitutional Court and wanted to match the old lines however, Dr.Wael propose this concept without using any Pharaonic column or Pharaonic motifs. The building will accommodate all marble suppliers in the location (Shaq Al-Thoaban). No longer marked by gray, uniform rows of cubicles, offices have become more personalized and employee-centric than ever, giving people a more comfortable place to spend their working hours. New approaches to office customization and the way employees interact are breathing new life into the workplace. An effective and evolving ecosystem of spaces is accomplished through the intentional combination of five spatial zones, designed to accommodate and anticipate changing organizational and employee needs. The size, ratio, and adjacency of each zone should be tailored to match both your business objectives and cultural expectations. The result is a flexible workplace design that can adapt and evolve.